A Christ-Centered Education
“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry, mine!”
A Christ-centered education means, first of all, that the Board, staff, and families of Classical are united in affirming our Statement of Faith. Unity on these primary doctrines is important because education is a partnership between parents and the school.
Education is more than becoming technically proficient
We care deeply about students growing intellectually and becoming more and more proficient with the subject matter they are learning. Yet, education is about more than technical proficiency. Education of a student includes the growth and maturation of the whole student as they learn to walk in the good works that God has prepared for them. For this reason we also care deeply about providing an environment and curriculum that trains students to grow in character, maturity, and ultimately the knowledge and wisdom of God.
Christ is Lord of all
One can say that, for us, a Christ-centered perspective in education means that we acknowledge that Christ is the creator, redeemer, restorer, and Lord of all that is seen and unseen. All of mankind is made in His image and all of creation speaks of His beauty and power. We therefore approach the sciences, mathematics, literature, history, music, and everything else as inherently created by God for His glory and the good of mankind. This does not mean that we have a Bible verse for every mathematics problem; it does not mean that we withdraw from the diversity of ideas present in our world; and it does not mean that we only use texts written by Christians. What this means for us is that we believe and teach that even in this fallen world, all truth, goodness, and beauty found in any academic discipline or sphere of life is ultimately rooted in Christ. It is our desire to teach from this perspective so that students grow in their wonder and love for God and their understanding of the expanse of his rule.
Other reasons for a Christ-centered perspective in education:
Parents are responsible before God to raise their children in the knowledge of the Lord. Education from a Christian perspective joins with parents and their local church by adding unified voices of instruction and modeling Christian relationships. A Christ-centered school widens the Christian community that is training the child, reinforcing those lessons learned at home and within the local church and enriching the child’s educational experience. At the same time, a Christian educational community models the love of Christ and encourages and nurtures students through an environment where character traits such as love, respect, perseverance, patience, truthfulness, and courage can be seen and tasted.
C. S. Lewis said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” If the Bible is true, then looking at life through the filter of the biblical and gospel narrative will bring reality into sharper focus. As such, a Christian perspective is an aid in education, especially when moving from simple facts to a more integrated understanding of ourselves, history, and those elements associated with a liberal education. A Christian perspective allows us to see people as made in the image of God, yet at the same time deeply broken and marred by our sinfulness and the sinfulness of others. It provides the intellectual underpinning to appreciate the truth, goodness, and beauty that individuals and humanity can obtain as they reflect God in their hopes, labor, and art. It provides a framework to wade into the mess and complex reality of human relationships and activities.
Education, knowledge, and wisdom are good; and they are beneficial in and of themselves. Yet, without a Christ-centered perspective, education becomes a man-centered endeavor. This can breed unhealthy pride in the accomplishments of man and a hope in education as a savior of humanity. However, such a hope asks too much of education. Only Jesus has the power to bring peace between men and God and to undo the effects of the curse that pervade all of creation. We care about a Christ-centered education because we want everyone to know the true savior - Jesus. And we want them to see knowledge and wisdom as good gifts he has given for our joy, for the good of others, and for his glory. When education is seen as a gift to be enjoyed and stewarded, rather than as a savior, it is freed from the weight of being required to deliver what it cannot and instead is allowed to flourish as a worthwhile endeavor.