A True Culture - Lockette
“The absolutely essential task of parents is to give their children a true culture, a sure foundation on which to stand.” - Michael D. O'Brien, A Landscape with Dragons
Families who have chosen this community are well aware of the culture the world is offering their children. We are all here because we want something better, something wholly True to capture the hearts and minds of our children. Yet, saying no to the world is often difficult. It is so easy to say yes to popular culture especially when it isn’t “that bad.” We all have our reasons: some of us genuinely enjoy it, we don’t want our children to be total social outcasts, we don’t want to rob ourselves of fun. But when you sit down and weigh the cost of giving yourself over to the things of the world (even in seemingly small ways) against the absolute gain of diving head first into the richness of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in all things: music, art, literature, food, play, work, travel, all of it, you will see the gain is a level of living you never knew existed. My challenge to you this week is to weigh heavily the things you choose for yourself and your family. Choose things that bring life, and goodness, things that don’t require caveats. It is not that all mainstream and popular things are lies, and bring death, but they are typically only scratching the surface. The things of the past, that have stood the test of time with deep roots, have much more to offer you.
Mrs. Lockette