
Light and Truth

Jim McCormick, Head of School


Dear Classical Community,

Four weeks into the ‘23-’24 school year and God’s blessings are so evident! As I hearken back to the first days of school, I remember seeing more than one young student in tears; they were just overwhelmed by change and wanted the comfort of home. For some, it was their first day as a new student at a new school. For some, it was new to have close to 450 people at Morning Assembly.

Our school is growing; I’m sure you’ve noticed. We can all agree that discipling more children through a 3C’s education is wonderful and that growth brings change. There is a reason why business leadership guru Jack Welch said simply, “Change before you have to.”

Whether Mr. Welch accounted for this or not, I’m thankful for one area of life, nay the foundation and core of all life, that cannot and will not change: the one, true GOD. I’m talking about the character of God; the nature of God; the Word of God.

As we grow and as things may be changing around us, know this Classical community: our school’s fundamental purpose, “to glorify God,” will not change and we will, by God’’s grace, remain absolutely committed to the one, true, immutable God.

Respectfully in Christ,
Jim McCormick, M.Ed.

Classical Dallas